wHy dO tHe kIds tYpE LiKe tHiS???
My biological clock barely ticks, but this is rapidly becoming one of my favorite reads. Heartbreaking, but a beautifully-written sort of heartbreaking. The men may not be very interested in this one. Unless they're the enlightened type. Or uncommonly bored.
This, on the other hand, is much less heavy. This vampiric presence on the 'net concerns me. I'm frightened like. Do I need to start carrying stakes and crosses when I surf after sunset?
I thought the Onion only published fake stories. Note the true sign of a pinko-commie-liberal...VEGGIE BOOTY!
One day, I'll write a post that is deep, original, and heartfelt, and, most importantly, interesting. But this is all you get for today.
Listening to:Sheer Terror - here to stay
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