We Interrupt This Holiday Cheer.....
We here at the Liberal Anti-Christmas Jihad have noticed a few of of you are riding a little too high on shameless love for the "infant messiah," and are forgetting the tragedy that befell our great nation on that dark day, lo those many weeks ago, 11/03. Never. Forget.
Well, fire up the outrage boosters, kids. I was so busy being happy school was out, and revelling in my impending homecoming, I accidentally listened to the news, and the next thing I knew, I was reading Democratic House of Representatives propaganda. It's a slippery slope.
I give you:
- Osama Luvs Your SUV, bitch.
- Once More, with Squealing. Worth the listen for the music clip.
- "Tell the class the Bride Price is actually an honor to the bride. It says she is valuable to the groom and he is willing to give something valuable for her"(click on the first link and read the PDF, if you dare).
- Godless Humanists Bless Us, Every One.
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