Oh, Forgive Me, I Thought I'd Been Invited Up Here to Admire the View
I've been grossly sick this week, and as such, I've been even lazier than usual (impossible, you say). I did manage to spend Saturday ladder hunting at The World's Largest Yard Sale, capped off with a tasty-as-all-hell Thai pizza at The Mudpie in Chattanooga. Other than that, I've been just about unwilling/able to wrench myself into a standing position for very long, and as such, have caught up on quite a few fine films with my all-too-well, handsome manfriend. Luc Besson and Jean Reno have inhabited un petit endroit spécial à mon coeur since Nikita, and have continued to ever since. They've each proven they're capable of not working together, but I, for one, do not recommend it. As such, I was a mite shocked I'd never even heard of a little film called Wasabi. I think somewhere on my list of things I needed to see before I died was a Luc Besson film, set in Japan, starring Jean Reno. In which Jean Reno attempts Dance Dance Revolution. Oh yes.
We also caught Sky Captain, which was an interesting gimmick, but I wouldn't have been upset if I'd slept through the majority. Except I couldn't because the music and Gwynneth were so damn annoying. I finally got to see The Virgin Suicides, which I watched again the following day, in French (testament to the severity of my illness), then the homecoming scene a few times to confirm that Hayden Christensen was, in fact, in it. He was. Topped it all off with Spirited Away, about which I don't have anything new to say, but it's just as good the fourth time as it is the first.
I need to find some balance in a few key areas before the end of the month. If I have a strong suit, that isn't it.
Watching: Dr. No
Reading: The Subtle Knife - Phillip Pullman
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