"Box of Wine. Puts Me Right Out."
I can never seem to sleep on Thursdays. Tonight I don't know if it's the excitement of the 9:30 am Chiropractor visit or the 12:45 Oral Surgeon appointment. The World's Longest Hangover isn't lending a hand either. And my feet are extra tingly today. Thanks, Dopamax!
But school's out for the summer, the drive-in is open and it's all good for now. This is, of course, overlooking the small detail of not actually having anything to drive to the drive-in. Mom and I are going car shopping tomorrow, hopefully at the magic car lot where all the cars cost $2000, aren't white or tan, have manual transmissions, aren't domestic, and run forever. I can be flexible on the definition of "forever" and could be bargained down to "until I graduate." I'm easy.
I trust everyone in their right mind is going to They Might Be Giants, yes? Yessssss.
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