Don't You Know There Ain't No Devil, That's Just God When He's Drunk
First chemlab today. My professor is a nutjob, but she's my kind of nutjob. Makes me wish I had her for lecture. Within five minutes she admitted to being "cynical, sarcastic, and neurotic." Then she suggested playing with mercury was, "quite fun. Lethal, but quite fun." She yells at the idiots in my class a lot, and that makes me happy, because they deserve it. My partner is a real winner on the other hand. Can't have everything, I guess. I don't think he's talked to many girls in his life, but I'll draw him out of his shell. Sample conversation:
Me: Hi! I'm Cara.
Him: Justin.
Me: Nice to meet you, Justin. Where ya from?
Him: Here.
ME: Here? Like Earth? The U.S.? Tennessee?
Him: Cookeville.
Me: 'bout that meniscus....
I'm going to see Ben Folds tomorrow night in Nashville. And you're not. Unless you are, and then I'll see you there.
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